Art in the form of Education

Reggio "the Hoofer" brilliantly revives the history of tap, by taking the audience on a journey through the sounds of his feet. Reggio traces this American art form back to its foot stomping roots in Africa, the vibrant, intricate steps and tap routines of Vaudeville, onto the dynamic, high-energy of the Harlem Renaissance, and the Broadway Musical. This program encourages audience participation including the young, the aging and people with disabilities. There is also a question and answer session.

Through the enthusiastic and sincere objective of preserving this art form Tap dancing seems to make everybody happy and energetic.

The Story of the Chair Dance

The Chair Dance began in New York in Harlem at the Hoofer's Club, a famous hangout of some of the most legendary tap dancers in the world. This place was given to tap dancers to come and dance or practice. Dancers that didn't have a place to stay, would come there and try to get a little sleep. But the owner didn't allow sleeping, and if caught they would be thrown out.So the dancers, while sitting in a chair, would tap their feet and try to take a little catnap. This developed into the Chair Dance.

This dance was performed on stage and made famous by "The Copasetics". Reggio has been partnering for 13 years with the 90 year old Earnest "Brownie" Brown, the only living, dancing "Copasetic".

CENTER STAGE 2004, production of WTTW Chanel 11 in association with the The Illinois Arts Council

The Story of the Cane Dance

The Cane Dance is a song and dance routine, performed to the music of "Old Man Time". This was the signature routine of Cook and Brown.

Tradition in Tap, Panel Discussion - New York City, May 2006